Garage Insulation

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Garage Insulation

Missing garage insulation causes comfort and energy problems in other parts of the house

Dr. Energy Saver shows you how we can eliminate cold floors in rooms above the garage.

The garage is easy to overlook as a place to make energy-saving improvements since it's not part of the living space. In fact, builders often neglect to properly insulate different parts of the garage for this reason.

Unfortunately, this often leads to comfort and energy problems occurring in other parts of your house. Dr. Energy Saver can help you upgrade your garage insulation to improve your home's comfort and efficiency. Call your local dealer or contact us online to get started!

Garage insulation upgrades

  • Insulating the garage ceiling: It's essential to insulate the garage ceiling if there is living space above the garage. Without insulation in the floor, the rooms above the garage will be uncomfortably cold in winter and hot in summer, and will waste energy nearly all year round. We offer a variety of insulation options that will eliminate these problems.
  • Insulating garage walls: When the garage is attached to the house, the wall that separates the garage from the living space should be air-sealed, insulated, and finished with fire-rated drywall. Our energy technicians can check the finished wall for insulation, and recommend solutions if no insulation is detected. We offer wall insulation options that are minimally invasive and won't require your drywall to be taken down. For homeowners that use their garage as a workshop, installing wall insulation throughout the space will create a much more comfortable environment.
  • Installing a new garage door: The door that separates your garage from your living space should be an insulated door with full weatherstripping - just like an exterior door. Building codes also call for this door to be fire-rated. If your door doesn't meet these requirements, talk to Dr. Energy Saver about having a new garage door installed. Additionally, many exterior garage doors now come with insulated options that can be installed for further improvements.

Dr. Energy Saver has the cure for subpar garage insulation

If you're concerned about energy loss through your garage, Dr. Energy Saver can find the right insulation solution for your home. No two spaces are exactly alike, but we have the experience needed to offer you comfort and energy savings no matter the state of your home. Contact your local dealer today to get started!

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